


If you consider yourself to have an interest in fashion, on any level, then you NEED to get your hands on the latest Issue of SRC-783.

SRC-783 fashion magazine has stormed to prominence within the global alternative fashion community. Why? Simply take a look and you'll see for yourself. Printed on non-glossy, rustic feel paper and weighing in at a meaty 180 pages, SRC mag presents a certain 'we don't care and in not caring we care' kinda vibe...  If you follow me.. Visually stunning, SRC blows most mags out of the water for aesthetic togetherness. Sit one on the coffee table, collect the whole bunch, get in while the getting is good.

What's actually IN Issue One of SRC Mag? I hear you say! 

Well, let's dig a little deeper. 

Nick Thomm's photography, coupled with the unhinged stylings of Chrissy Dietze, work to smash apart what we now consider to be mainstream fashion or seasonal style. Clearly the SRC guys are aiming to inspire their readers to become walking trend forecasts. Create your own look, they say. Do whatever the hell you want with your look. It's all gravy baby. It's 180 pages of pure, visceral, kick up the butt inspiration to embrace the many whacky and wonderful elements within global contemporary art and style.

The other fillings in this delicious Issue One pie are as follows:

-  Editorials with Charlotte Free, Montana Cox, Sophie Hirschfelder & Anja Konstantinova. 

-  Interviews with Eric Elms, Ysanya Perez, The BadLands & Rachel Rutt.

-  Photographers Gen Kay, Zach Handley, Nick Thomm, Gadir Rajab, Karla Majnaric, Trevor King, Jo Duck, Astrid Solomon, Theresa Marx

SRC 783 Issue One is available now at Dakota 501 so get it together and start your collection.